Vienna Yearbook of Population Research / Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2011 Volume 9

Reproductive decisionmaking

Herausgegeben von Vienna Institute of Demography Austrian Academy of Sciences


Vienna Yearbook of Population Research / Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2011 Volume 9

Maria Rita Testa, Tomás Sobotka and
Philip S. Morgan: Reproductive decisionmaking:

towards improved theoretical,
methodological and empirical approaches.
Demographic Debate
S. Philip Morgan and Christine A. Bachrach:

Is the Theory of Planned Behaviour an
appropriate model for human fertility?
Warren B. Miller: Comparing the TPB and
the T-D-I-B framework
Jennifer Barber: The Theory of Planned
Behaviour: considering drives, proximity
and dynamics
Dimiter Philipov: Theories on fertility
intentions: a demographer’s perspective
Jane Klobas: The Theory of Planned
Behaviour as a model of reasoning about
fertility decisions
Aart C. Liefbroer: On the usefulness of the
Theory of Planned Behaviour for fertility
Icek Ajzen: Reflections on Morgan and
Bachrach’s critique
Christine A. Bachrach and S. Philip
Morgan: Further reflections on the Theory
of Planned Behaviour and fertility research
Refereed Articles
Warren B. Miller: Differences between
fertility desires and intentions: implications
for theory, research and policy
Máire Ní Bhrolcháin and Éva Beaujouan:

Uncertainty in fertility intentions in Britain,
Saskia Hin, Anne Gauthier, Joshua
Goldstein and Christoph Bühler: Fertility
preferences: what measuring second
choices teaches us
Maria Rita Testa, Laura Cavalli and
Alessandro Rosina: Couple”s childbearing
behaviour in Italy: which of the partners
is leading it?
Nicoletta Balbo and Melinda Mills: The
influence of the family network on the
realisation of fertility intentions