Römische Historische Mitteilungen 61/2019
Gastherausgeber: Barbara Haider-Wilson, Gastherausgeber: Helmut Wohnout, Herausgegeben von Andreas Gottsmann
Reihe: Römische Historische MitteilungenAlessandro Di Meo, L’area Siro-Palestinese nel contesto geopolitico Ottocentesco in una prospettiva globale (1798–1840)
Gianfranco Armando, La Questione d’Oriente e la Guerra di Crimea Attraverso gli articoli della Civilta Cattolica
Jutta Faehndrich, A Map, the Beauty, and the Beast. The Three Palestines of Lieutenant van de Velde
Barbara Haider-Wilson, Jerusalem’s Place in the Relationship between the Orient and the Occident
Anastasia Keshman, Walking in the Footsteps of Christ in Latin, Greek or Russian. On the Various Ways of the Via Dolorosa in 19th Century Jerusalem
Bernhard Kronegger, Imperial Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The Journeys of Franz Joseph I and Wilhelm II. between Religious Tradition and Political Calculation
Lily Arad, Gifts Fit for a King. Jerusalem, the Old Yishuv and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchs
Giorgio Del Zanna, Pellegrinaggi italiani in Palestina tra XIX e XX secolo. Pellegrinaggi in Oriente nella prima ‘globalizzazione’
Konstantinos Papastathis, The Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate on the Holy Places Question from the Crimean War to the British Mandate 177 Yali Hashash, Muslims and Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine in the Mirror of Evangelical Missionary Reports
Florian Martin Muller, Briefe aus Jerusalem. Aus meinem Tagebuch. Der Aufenthalt des Tiroler Franziskanerpaters Innozenz Ploner im Heiligen Land 1903–1904.