Afanasij Nikitin / Sebastian Kempgen

Afanasij Nikitin: Reise über drei Meere (Xoženie za tri morja, 1468-1474)

Band 1: Facsimiles - diplomatische Edition - Karten - Bibliographie


Afanasij Nikitin: Reise über drei Meere (Xoženie za tri morja, 1468-1474)

The monograph presents the first-ever diplomatic edition of the so-called Troickij spisok of Afanasy Nikitin”s “Voyage beyond three seas” and the first full facsimile of the so-called Etterov spisok of the same text, along with a new transcription of the text. In addition, it contains a large section on maps of Nikitin”s journey, and a chronological bibliography.