Manfred Hainzmann / Patrizia De Bernardo Stempel

Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Antiquarum I. Provincia Noricum

Faszikel 1. Die Gottheiten in ihren sprachlichen und kultischen Erscheinungsfomen. Mit einem Beitrag von Gerhard Bauchhenß. Faszikel 2: Die epigraphischen Testimonien

Beiträge von Gerhard Bauchenhenß, Beiträge von Gerhard Bauchhenß


Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Antiquarum I. Provincia Noricum

Corpus “Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum” edits religious inscriptions with a probably Celtic background from the Roman provinces offering an in-depth epigraphic, linguistic, historical and iconographic analysis. Fasciculus 1 of the present volume collects the Norican evidence and contains a methodological section on the analysis of divine names, exhaustive interdisciplinary commentaries on invocations and cults attested, and a separate part with the iconographic analysis of the monuments. The “Tituli scalpti” and “Instrumenta inscripta” collected are described, translated and commented on in Fasciculus 2. Both fascicles contain several concordances, numerous photographs and maps as well as tables on the mutual relationship of the single cults and on their dedicants.