GI_Forum 2024, Volume 12

Journal for Geographic Information Science

Herausgegeben von Gerald Griesebner, Herausgegeben von Josef Strobl, Herausgegeben von Robert Vogler, Herausgegeben von Adrijana Car


GI_Forum 2024, Volume 12

GI_Forum Journal is an international, peer reviewed Open Access journal that provides a forum for the critical examination of spatial enquiry. It publishes high quality original research across the transdisciplinary field of Geographic Information Science (GIScience), Media Geographies and Geomedia Education. The journal provides a platform for dialogue among GI-Scientists and educators, technologists, social scientists, and critical thinkers in an ongoing effort to advance the field and ultimately contribute to an informed GISociety.
Submissions focus on innovation in education, science, methodology, technologies and communication in the spatial domain and their role towards a more just, ethical, and sustainable science and society. The journal explicitly welcomes contributions that emphasise efforts to address spatially relevant issues from an inter- and transdisciplinary, theoretical as well as empirical perspectives.
GI_Forum Journal is a journal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.