Julius Wess

Herausgegeben von Stepan S Moskaliuk


Julius Wess


From Invariance Groups to Field-Theoretical Anomalies:
Investigation of the Invariance Group in the Three Fundamental Fields Model
A Consistent Operator Solution for the Thirring Model
Lagrangian Method for Chiral Symmetries
Structure of Phenomenological Lagrangians
The Conformal Invariance in Quantum Field Theory
Scale Invariance, Conformal Invariance, and the High Energy Behavior of Scattering Amplitudes
Consequence of Anomalous Ward Identities

Supersymmetry and Supergravity:

Supergauge Transformations in Four Dimensions
A Langrangian Model Invariant under Supergauge Transformations
Supersymmetry and Internal Symmetry
Supergauge Invariant Extension of Quantum Electrodynamics
Superspace Formulation of Supergravity
The Component Formalism Follows from the Superspace Formulation of Supergravity
Supersymmetry Breaking through a Cosmological Constant

Quantum Groups and Non-Commutative Spaces:

Covariant Differential Calculus on the Quantum Hyperplane
A q-deformed Lorentz Algebra
A q-deformed Poincaré Algebra
Representations of a q-deformed Heisenberg Algebra
Dynamical Symmetries in q-deformed Quantum Mechanics
Non-commutative Euclidian and Minkowski Structures
Gauge Theory on Non-Commutative Spaces
The Standard Model on Non-Commutative Space-Time
Gauge Theories on Non-Commutative Spaces as a Background of the Future Physics?

Biographical Writings:

Curriculum Vitae